Ecoute: listen to the expressions that go with the pictures
Choix multiple: choose the right expression to match the picture
Choix multiple #2: choose the expression for the picture
Choix multiple #3: select the right expression for each picture
Le temps: choose the right expression to match the picture
Mémoire: match the picture with the expression
Associe: match each picture with the right expression
Est-ce qu'il fait chaud? Does the picture match what you hear? Rotate the wheels until the picture and the words match.
Est-ce qu'il fait froid? Does the picture match what you hear? Click on the records and drag the right ones to the record player.
CHALLENGE: listen to the weather forecast and drag the pictures to the right cities
SUPER CHALLENGE: La météo: listen to the weather forecast and choose the cities for the weather situations
SUPER CHALLENGE: complétez les phrases: listen to the forecast and type in the missing words
Quel temps fait-il? type in the word that you hear
Les mots rapides: type in the expressions before the people are crushed!
La météo en France: type in what you hear for the weather in the cities in France
Cherche les mots: a weather word search
Choix multiple: choose the right expression to match the picture
Choix multiple #2: choose the expression for the picture
Choix multiple #3: select the right expression for each picture
Le temps: choose the right expression to match the picture
Mémoire: match the picture with the expression
Associe: match each picture with the right expression
Est-ce qu'il fait chaud? Does the picture match what you hear? Rotate the wheels until the picture and the words match.
Est-ce qu'il fait froid? Does the picture match what you hear? Click on the records and drag the right ones to the record player.
CHALLENGE: listen to the weather forecast and drag the pictures to the right cities
SUPER CHALLENGE: La météo: listen to the weather forecast and choose the cities for the weather situations
SUPER CHALLENGE: complétez les phrases: listen to the forecast and type in the missing words
Quel temps fait-il? type in the word that you hear
Les mots rapides: type in the expressions before the people are crushed!
La météo en France: type in what you hear for the weather in the cities in France
Cherche les mots: a weather word search