-les pièces de la maison-a variety of activities having to do with rooms of the house
-les pièces de la maison-using the glossary, spell out the words for the house vocabulary
-mots croisés-use the glossary to help you
-bienvenue chez moi-type in the words that you hear
-je fais tout ça chez moi!-click on the people to hear their activities and drag them to the correct room
-les meubles-click the image to hear the word and type it in; use the glossary for help
-morpion-tic-tac-toe: click on a square and drag the right word to the image in that square
-je démenage-listen to what the boy and girl say, and drag the furniture to the right room
-les pièces de la maison-using the glossary, spell out the words for the house vocabulary
-mots croisés-use the glossary to help you
-bienvenue chez moi-type in the words that you hear
-je fais tout ça chez moi!-click on the people to hear their activities and drag them to the correct room
-les meubles-click the image to hear the word and type it in; use the glossary for help
-morpion-tic-tac-toe: click on a square and drag the right word to the image in that square
-je démenage-listen to what the boy and girl say, and drag the furniture to the right room