Welcome to the site for the French program at the Marion Cross School in Norwich, VT.
All classes in our school, from kindergarten to sixth grade, have French classes multiple times a week.
Please do not hesitate to contact Madame Allison Litten with any questions.
Welcome to the site for the French program at the Marion Cross School in Norwich, VT.
All classes in our school, from kindergarten to sixth grade, have French classes multiple times a week.
Please do not hesitate to contact Madame Allison Litten with any questions.
NEW! Updated curriculum information
I am still in the process of compiling specific MCS French
curriculum documents and resources to share.
In the meantime, please visit this site with newly added resources,
and check back soon for more information!
curriculum documents and resources to share.
In the meantime, please visit this site with newly added resources,
and check back soon for more information!
The benefits of second language learning go far beyond the language classroom
Want to know how studying a second language can strengthen children's skills in other academic areas? Here is a compilation of studies and their findings, outlining second language study and its positive impact on all aspects of learning. This page includes studies connected specifically to academic achievement.
Want to know how studying a second language can strengthen children's skills in other academic areas? Here is a compilation of studies and their findings, outlining second language study and its positive impact on all aspects of learning. This page includes studies connected specifically to academic achievement.
Language Learning in the News-UPDATED JUNE 2022!! (click here for the archives)
- Your Mind on Language: How language learning boosts the brain, Huffington Post, 11 November 2013
- Developing literacy through language learning: A guide for parents, SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages
- Why the future of French is African, BBC Reel, 16 October 2020
- Foreign language learning leads to cognitive benefits in students, The Daily Universe, 6 May 2020
- Why learning a another language can change your life, The Hill, 9 January 2020
- 7 Reasons to learn a foreign language, The Conversation, 17 December 2019
- Learning Language: New insights into how brain functions, 8 May 2019
- How Important is Learning a Foreign Language? (student opinion; answer-VERY) 29 March 2019
- The Importance of reading in second language acquisition,, 28 February 2019
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Here are some of the activities we have done in French class,
both this year and in the past.
both this year and in the past.
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Resources for Parents
NNELL, the National Network for Early Language Learning, has compiled a list of some excellent resources for parents of early language learners. Check out their list here to see examples of apps and websites as well as general information for parents.

Practice our vocabulary with Linguascope!
See Madame Litten for login information.
NB : Beginners = poissons, Elementary = extra-terrestres
See Madame Litten for login information.
NB : Beginners = poissons, Elementary = extra-terrestres
Mis à jour: le vendredi, 2 décembre 2022