-flashcards and matching
-morpion: tic-tac-toe; click a box and drag the name of the object onto the image
-la chasse au mot: click on the name of the object pictures; go quickly or the words will jump around!
-ça coûte combien? click on the object and type the name below the picture
-chez le papetier: enter in the cash register the number of objects each person wants
-tetris: use the arrow keys to move the pieces back and forth and to rotate them; you will have to answer questions to get the lines to disappear
-qu'est-ce qu'il y a sur la table? complete the sentences based on what you hear and what you see
-les mots rapides: type in the word you hear before the ball falls on the people's heads
-tu me prêtes...? drag the words that complete the sentences you hear
-le/la/l'/les? using the arrow keys, guide the objects to the right article; the down arrow speeds the object up
-les adjectifs: choose which ending needs to go on the adjective
-j'ai une trousse noire: complete the sentences based on what you hear
-morpion: tic-tac-toe; click a box and drag the name of the object onto the image
-la chasse au mot: click on the name of the object pictures; go quickly or the words will jump around!
-ça coûte combien? click on the object and type the name below the picture
-chez le papetier: enter in the cash register the number of objects each person wants
-tetris: use the arrow keys to move the pieces back and forth and to rotate them; you will have to answer questions to get the lines to disappear
-qu'est-ce qu'il y a sur la table? complete the sentences based on what you hear and what you see
-les mots rapides: type in the word you hear before the ball falls on the people's heads
-tu me prêtes...? drag the words that complete the sentences you hear
-le/la/l'/les? using the arrow keys, guide the objects to the right article; the down arrow speeds the object up
-les adjectifs: choose which ending needs to go on the adjective
-j'ai une trousse noire: complete the sentences based on what you hear